The Benefits of Foot Rolling

Author: Adept Podiatry
Categories: Health and Medical

    Company : Adept Podiatry,
    Contact Name : Pete Moate,
    Phone : 03 9882 8184,
    Email : -,

    Your body, as a whole, requires some maintenance. It needs to be treated with respect, given time to heal, and offered ample recovery time.

    Your body, as a whole, requires some maintenance. It needs to be treated with respect, given time to heal, and offered ample recovery time. Treated this way, and with a little luck, it can offer you a lifetime of mobility.

    But among podiatrists, such as your friends at Adept Podiatry, there is a noted lack of awareness that your feet deserve some specific treatment. Your feet face a tough task, holding the entirety of your weight, while stabilising you and keeping you upright throughout the day. They deserve some attention, to ensure that they aren’t left sore and pained at the end of a day.

    One of the most important ones out there is the foot roller. Popular today for use on your larger muscle groups, typically as a foam roller, the same application is only now cracking the public consciousness for use on your feet. Using a golf or cricket ball, foot rolling is an ideal method of easing those aching muscles.

    Take the ball, and roll it the length of your foot, with some (but not all) of your weight on it, in bare feet. Then, roll it side to side, covering each niche of your foot’s underside.

    The pressure from the ball works out kinks and knots in your muscles, very common in muscles that have been overworked throughout the course of a long day. They hit the nerves and pain receptors located here, and work to ease the discomfort that comes with foot tension. They can also improve the flexibility in your hamstrings, and by extension, take pressure off of your knees, and even your back.

    They are a very worthwhile addition to your fitness regimen. Check them out today!

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