The Cancer Link

Author: National Periodontics
Categories: Health and Medical

    Company : National Periodontics,
    Contact Name : Arthur Drouganis,
    Phone : +61 08 8520 8215,
    Email :,

    Research in to the links between our oral health, and our overall health, is ongoing.

    Research in to the links between our oral health, and our overall health, is ongoing. Dentists have long asserted that gum health is often indicative of overall well-being, but this has long been assumed to be merely related to personal care – not a direct link.

    Recent research, however, has made the case for this link. An American cross-study of 7500 patients took account of their gum health, then tracked their health for several years. It showed that those with exceptionally poor oral and periodontal health were at a considerably higher risk of developing colon, lung, and prostate cancers. Those with poor teeth and gums were up to 30% more likely to develop cancer – clearly, a rate higher than can be chalked up to mere correlation.

    Researchers have speculated on the reason for this link. Some have speculated that the more porous gums will allow free entry to free radicals, directly in to the bloodstream. Some believe that swollen, puffy gums attract more of the body’s white blood cells, which would otherwise be protecting the body from developing cancers. More research is needed to fill in this gap in our knowledge.

    In the meantime, it is considered an investment in your overall health to take good care of your oral health, with biannual visits your dental experts. For oral health, it is worth considering a periodontal expert to inspect your gums, such as the experts at National Periodontics. They have a practiced eye, and can diagnose issues readily. They are a worthwhile visit, and an investment in to your longevity.

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