The Dangers of Stress

Author: MarketFair Dental Care
Categories: Dental

    Company : MarketFair Dental Care,
    Contact Name : Ben Nguyen,
    Phone : (02) 4620 0800,
    Email :,

    Stress permeates almost every element of modern life.

    Stress permeates almost every element of modern life. We are sleeping less and working more, and the constant connectivity provided to us by our smart phones and tablets means that we seldom have a moment to ourselves.

    However, health issues associated with stress are only now becoming more widely known. Stress causes a variety of physical ailments, and our teeth are not immune from these.

    For one thing, the Campbelltown dentists at Marketfair Dental Care have noted a rise in the number of inflamed, infected gums among those patients who are suffering from stress. This has been associated with the impacts of an elevated amount of cortisol, a hormone that is released when we are stressed out, which suppresses your immune system, and makes it easier for your gums to be infected. It can lead to such issues as gingivitis and periodontitis.

    Secondly, stressed individuals tend to exhibit some poorer habits. They eat more poorly, they sleep less, and they may drink or smoke more readily. All of these can have profound impacts on the health and longevity of your pearly whites.

    Plainly, it pays to take care of your stress levels. Some deep breathing, or divorcing yourself from your cell phone, can help this process, for you and for everyone living in this hectic age.

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