The Dangers of Sugar Additives

Author: National Periodontics
Categories: Dental

    Company : National Periodontics,
    Contact Name : Arthur Drouganis,
    Phone : 08 8363 3700,
    Email :,

    Sugar has been a hit as a food industry additive for many years now.

    Sugar has been a hit as a food industry additive for many years now. Formerly farmed en masse in massive sugar cane plantations, it now comes more often in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, but its purpose remains the same – sweetening our coffee, and increasingly, our foods.

    Sugar is employed to mask bitter or unpleasant tastes, in everything from breads, to snacks, to pasta sauce. Its ubiquity is matched only by its connection to poor health – sugar has been linked to our increasing issues with obesity, instances of diabetes, and among children, behavioural issues. In some areas, bans on sugary soft drinks have been proposed, as a public health measure.

    But just as serious as their impact on our overall health is their impact upon our dental health. When ingested, sugars react with our saliva to create acidic plaque, with can eat away at the tough enamel on our teeth, and over time, create cavities. With more and more sugar in our foods, more and more people are getting cavities. Noted dental experts, such as those at National Periodontics, have noted an increase in gum diseases and cavities in children as young as 3.

    The only real solution to this problem is a degree of mindfulness. By staying closely aware of what we are eating, we can avoid foods that have a hidden amount of sugar impacting upon our dental, and physical health.

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