The Laundry Basket Is a Full-Service Laundromat In Fort Collins

Author: The Laundry Basket
Categories: Business

    Company : The Laundry Basket,
    Contact Name : Tom Burgett,
    Phone : 970-484-4980,
    Email :,

    The Laundry Basket is pleased to announce that they are a full-service laundromat and commercial laundry service providing valuable services to residents and businesses in Fort Collins.

    The Laundry Basket is pleased to announce that they are a full-service laundromat and commercial laundry service providing valuable services to residents and businesses in Fort Collins. The laundromat features high-capacity, environmentally friendly machines to wash loads quickly and efficiently.

    Residents and businesses in the Fort Collins area are welcome to stop into the laundromat at their convenience to do laundry in their machines, ranging from double to eight-load washers designed to make quick work of washing clothes. Triple and five-load dryers make drying faster and more convenient. The self-serve solutions allow individuals to do laundry in their free time.

    Companies with significant laundry loads or that don’t have time to do laundry on-site can count on the commercial laundry services offered by The Laundry Basket. Their team can pick up and drop off loads for medical offices, massage therapists, and other businesses that require extensive laundry capabilities. The laundry service offers specialized services with discounted rates for commercial businesses.

    Anyone interested in learning about the full-service laundromat and commercial laundry services in Fort Collins can find out more by visiting The Laundry Basket website or calling 1-970-484-4980.

    About The Laundry Basket: The Laundry Basket is a full-service laundromat and commercial laundry service with two locations in Fort Collins and Loveland, CO. They aim to make laundry easy with high-capacity, environmentally machines and customized services. Companies and residents can trust the laundromat to handle all their laundry needs.

    Company: The Laundry Basket
    Address: 925 S. Taft Hill Road
    City: Fort Collins
    State: CO
    Zip code: 80521
    Telephone number: 1-970-484-4980

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