The Law Office of Daniel E. Goodman Releases List of Tips to Avoid Accidents

Author: The Law Office of Daniel E Goodman
Categories: Legal

    Company : The Law Office of Daniel E Goodman,
    Contact Name : Vicki Goodman,
    Phone : 1-847-292-6000,
    Email :,

    The Law Office of Daniel E Goodman announces its annual list of tips and suggestions on avoiding a multitude of accidents and injuries.

    Rosemont, Illinois: The Law Office of Daniel E Goodman announces its annual list of tips and suggestions on avoiding a multitude of accidents and injuries. Serving the wider Chicagoland area, this law firm provides services in extensive practice areas that cover an array of accidents, injuries or emergencies. No personal injury or emergency is too big or small.

    Some accidents or injuries are unfortunately unavoidable and out of one’s control. Others can be avoided with the right type of precaution and foresight. Auto, motorcycle, truck, bus, boating, subway and other types of vehicular accidents may be unavoidable. An individual may be as careful as they can and obey traffic rules to the letter, yet no person can control another person’s actions while on the road.

    When operating a vehicle of any type, follow these general safety rules: take your time, even when in a rush, it’s best to slow down and be aware of all surroundings, including other vehicles, pedestrians, road obstacles or fallen signs, and don’t text and drive. By being aware, a person can avoid a majority of vehicular accidents.

    Other injuries and personal emergencies are not so clear-cut. For example, a pit bull can attack suddenly, and for no apparent reason, a person buys a new smartphone that catches fire and causes injury to hands and ears or a trusted electrical cord suddenly shocks and catches fire. This is why it’s important to have the right type of legal representation to help make it right again.

    For more safety tips or information on injuries due to an accident or emergency, visit The Law Office of Daniel E Goodman website or call 1-847-292-6000.

    About The Law Office of Daniel E Goodman: The Law Office of Daniel E Goodman serves the wider Chicagoland area with expert legal representation for a wide array of injuries, accidents or emergencies. No injury is too big or too small. Their professional team works closely with clients to help them get the best possible outcome.

    Company: The Law Office of Daniel E Goodman
    Address: 10400 W. Higgins, Suite 500
    City: Rosemont
    State: IL
    Zip code: 60018
    Telephone number: 1-847-292-6000

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