The Law Office of Jeffrey P Story Advises on Selecting a Power of Attorney

Author: Law Office of Jeffrey P. Story, LLC
Categories: Legal

    Company : Law Office of Jeffrey P. Story, LLC,
    Contact Name : Jeff Story,
    Phone : 847-328-7552,
    Email :,

    While some elderly individuals have chosen their Power of Attorney.

    Evanston, Illinois : While some elderly individuals have chosen their Power of Attorney, others may not be so fortunate. Therefore, the Law Office of Jeffrey P. Story gives straightforward and valuable advice on choosing a trustworthy Power of Attorney.

    A Power of Attorney (POA) has the legal right to act on an individual’s legal or financial behalf in specific or nonspecific ways based on the legal document. However, an individual who has a window and access to another individual’s legal and financial information has a measure of control. Following a simple protocol will help individuals, especially elderly people who may not have family or other trusted persons in their life, make a sound decision when choosing a designated POA.

    The Law Office of Jeffrey P. Story strongly suggests clients hire a third-party Power of Attorney. This is a service for hire, which may or may not work on an hourly basis. POAs for hire can work with small or larger estates. There is an ice-breaking period when looking to work with a third-party. First, individuals should seek out vetted POAs for hire and disclose all wishes in a Letter of Intent. Clients should be upfront with potential third-party POAs about property and health care intentions. The best time to plan and talk to a third-party POA is now.

    For more information about legal services or working with a Power of Attorney, visit the website at the Law Office of Jeffrey P. Story or call 1-847-328-7552.

    About the Law Office of Jeffrey P. Story: The Law Office of Jeffrey P. Story is owned and operated by Attorney Jeffrey P. Story. Story’s expertise is estate planning law. He helps the elderly and clients living with disabilities plan for their estate to protect assets and be able to claim public benefits at a later date in life.

    Company: Law Office of Jeffrey P. Story, LLC
    Address: 2144 Ashland Ave., Unit 2
    City: Evanston
    State: IL
    Zip code: 60201
    Telephone number: 1-847-328-7552
    Fax number: 1-847-332-0313

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