Thurswell Law Represents Clients in Birth Injury Cases

Author: Thurswell Law
Categories: Legal

    Company : Thurswell Law,
    Contact Name : Mr.Gerald Thurswell,
    Phone : 1-248-354-2222,
    Email :,

    Thur swell Law is pleased to announce they represent clients in birth injury cases to help them get the compensation to which they are entitled.

    Southfield, Michigan: Thurswell Law is pleased to announce they represent clients in birth injury cases to help them get the compensation to which they are entitled. When a child is injured as a result of negligent practices during the birthing process, parents are left to deal with the consequences. The experienced staff at Thurswell Law can provide the guidance they need to move forward with their case.

    Whether the injuries create a lifetime of problems or the accident results in the death of the child, parents are often saddled with unexpected costs as a result. When these issues are the result of negligence on the part of medical staff, families are entitled to compensation to help them deal with the consequences. However, it can be difficult to pursue these types of cases. Not only is there an emotional element, but many parents spend a majority of their time caring for a disabled child.

    The experienced team at Thurswell Law strives to provide the support and guidance families need during this difficult time. They will evaluate every case and determine whether the family is entitled to compensation. They will then help with every aspect of the court process, helping families handle their case appropriately so they can get the compensation they deserve.

    Anyone interested in learning about their representation in birth injury cases can find out more by visiting the Thurswell Law website or by calling 1-248-354-2222.

    About Thurswell Law: Thurswell Law is a full-service law firm in the Southfield, MI, area that provides representation in personal injury and Social Security disability cases. Their experienced team of professionals can provide guidance in a variety of situations, including auto accidents, birth injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death and more. They take pride in providing personalized service that ensures each of their clients get the compensation to which they are entitled.

    Thurswell Law

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