Thurswell Law Represents Families in Cases of Wrongful Death

Author: Thurswell Law Firm
Categories: Legal

    Company : Thurswell Law Firm,
    Contact Name : Mr.Gerald Thurswell,
    Phone : 1-248-354-2222,
    Email :,

    Thur swell Law is pleased to announce they can represent families in the case of wrongful death of a loved one.

    Southfield, Michigan: Thurswell Law is pleased to announce they can represent families in the case of wrongful death of a loved one. Their experienced staff understands the difficulties families go through after the unexpected death of a loved one and strive to provide the quality representation they need to be successful in their cases.

    To help their clients, the professional team at Thurswell Law will go over the specifics of the case and make the appropriate recommendations based on the clients’ chances of a successful outcome. They strive to help families think more clearly when they’re facing an uncertain future without their loved one. They can help families calculate the cost of their loss, including funeral expenses, loss of wages and benefits, medical bills, loss of companionship and anguish. These calculations can be difficult for the average individual.

    For more than 42 years, Thurswell Law has provided wrongful death representation for families throughout this area of Michigan. This means they have the expertise necessary to guide families through the process to ensure they get the compensation to which they are entitled.

    Anyone interested in learning about the wrongful death representation offered can find out more by visiting the Thurswell Law website or by calling 1-866-354-5544.

    About Thurswell Law: Thurswell Law is a full-service law firm specializing in wrongful death, medical malpractice, accidents and more. Their experienced staff can provide the guidance individuals need to navigate through their case and get the compensation to which they are entitled. They have more than 42 years of experience helping area residents through these types of cases with a track record of success.

    Thurswell Law Firm

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