Timber Creek Resource Rises Above U.S.-Canada Lumber Trade Issue

Author: Timber Creek Resource
Categories: Business

    Company : Timber Creek Resource,
    Contact Name : Timber Creek Resource,
    Phone : 414-466-1645,
    Email : sales@tcrllc.com,

    Timber Creek Resource is a custom wooden ship crate company offering trustworthy packing solutions to a wide array of clients.

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 24, 2017: Timber Creek Resource is a custom wooden ship crate company offering trustworthy packing solutions to a wide array of clients. As the company deals with wood and wood products, current and potential customers are turning to Timber Creek Resource to better understand the ongoing U.S.-Canada Dispute over duty on Canadian softwood lumber shipments to the U.S. and how it affects them and their product costs.

    The U.S.-Canada dispute centers around the fact Canadian shippers are now legally required to pay cash deposits to cover the preliminary countervailing duty on softwood lumber shipments imported into the United States. Except for certain companies, retroactive duties don’t apply; however, all other shippers are required to pay the 19.88% CVD rate. These rates are in debate.

    Per the regulations of the World Trade Organization, preliminary CVD cash deposits are to be collected four months after the published ruling, which would be late August of 2017. The final CVD determination is scheduled for September 6 but could be extended until early November.

    Regardless of the timetable, the U.S. government will collect the duties and once the investigation and appeals processes are finalized, the U.S. Treasury will ultimately receive the funds.

    Since lumber is a commodity, prices can greatly fluctuate throughout the year, which can greatly impact the dispute. While the stock market serves as an emotional aspect of lumber prices, demand is the primary cause of increased prices. With their experience, single-source, sustainable packaging and state-of-the-art processes—and ability to meet customer demand— Timber Creek Resource is well-positioned to weather the ongoing U.S.-Canada dispute and keep production of wooden packaging needs steady.

    For more information about the company and their services, visit Timber Creek Resource or call 1-414-466-1645.

    About Timber Creek Resource: Timber Creek Resource is a company that offers a wide variety of high-quality wooden packaging solutions to customers in a variety of industries. The company specializes in custom wood crates and pallets, industrial lumber, wire-bound crates, and more. All products are carefully designed to handle the rigors of storage and international shipping. With a responsibility of protecting the environment, Timber Creek Resource only purchases lumber and logs from sustainable, managed forestland.

    Press Release Contact Information:
    Company Name : Timber Creek Resource
    Address : 5059 North 119th Street
    City : Milwaukee
    State : WI
    Zipcode : 53225
    Phone no : 1-414-466-1645
    Website url : www.tcrllc.com

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