Xenegrade Announces Major Upgrade to Student Registration Management System

Author: Xenegrade Corporation
Categories: Software

    Company : Xenegrade Corporation,
    Contact Name : Rick Stern,
    Phone : 941-739-9234,
    Email : youcancreateanemailforthis@please.com,

    Xenegrade proudly announces an upcoming upgrade to their student registration management system known as XenDirect.

    Xenegrade proudly announces an upcoming upgrade to their student registration management system known as XenDirect. This newest release, XenDirect Release 3, will be premiered at their user conference taking place in Nashville in mid-May. This upgrade has been in beta trials since last fall, and the company is excited for its launch and introduction to their clients.

    XenDirect Release 3 will be the third major release and addition to the original cloud-based XenDirect software previously introduced in 2003. This newest upgrade will feature new workflow advances able to assist users with guided automation and easier application integration, which is a common request from Xenegrade’s new customers.

    “Myself and the rest of the team at Xenegrade are excited to offer this new release to our XenDirect System,” says Xenegrade Founder and CEO, Rick Stern. “We are dedicated to the continued excellence of our management systems and the satisfaction of our customer base. It is our hope this exciting new launch improves processes across the board.”

    For more information about Xenegrade or their exciting new XenDirect Release 3 launch, visit their website or call 941-739-9234.

    About Xenegrade: Xenegrade are the developers of XenDirect, a leading student registration management application built for continuing education, workforce development, contract training, adult education and similar educational organizations. Their full service software solution puts the power of data back under your control.

    Company: Xenegrade Corporation
    Address: 5342 Clark Road #189
    City: Sarasota
    State: Florida
    Zip Code: 34233-3227
    Telephone: 941-739-9234

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